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Mixed Reactions From Agriculture and Energy Sectors to Doug Burgum’s Confirmation as Interior Secretary

Former North Dakota Governor and former software entrepreneur Doug Burgum was confirmed as the new Secretary of the Department of the Interior (DOI) Thursday afternoon. Burgum, who had a brief run for president in 2023 before dropping out and endorsing President Donald Trump, was confirmed with a bipartisan vote of 79-18. Burgum was on the reported short list for the Agriculture Secretary nomination.
Before entering politics, Burgum made his fortune by investing in Great Plains Software and eventually selling off the enterprise to Microsoft in 2001. His current estimated wealth exceeds $100 million, according to estimates from Forbes and Newsweek. Burgum was governor of his home state from 2016 to Dec. 2024.
The Department of the Interior manages federal land reserves and 11 government agencies, including the National Park Service, Bureau of Land Management, and Bureau of Indian Affairs, among others. Burgum will also lead the National Energy Council.
Renewable energy, conservation, cattle, and biofuels groups had mixed reactions to Burgum’s confirmation. Each of these sectors of the agriculture industry will be touched by decisions Burgum makes in his new role.
National Cattleman‘s Beef Association (NCBA) and Public Lands Council (PLC)
The NCBA is the largest association of cattle producers in the U.S. and is invested in education and public policy for the betterment of the industry. The PLC represents and advocates for  22,000 cattle and sheep producers who operate with federal grazing permits in the West.
The organizations issued a joint congratulatory statement after Burgum’s confirmation.
“Secretary Burgum has a proven record of supporting rural communities and promoting a balanced approach to energy development and conservation,” said Kaitlynn Glover, executive director of PLC and NCBA Natural Resources. “His leadership will be critical for ensuring that ranchers and public lands grazing permittees are recognized as a valuable partner in stewarding Western landscapes and for removing regulatory burdens that have plagued management of grazing allotments for decades. We look forward to working with Secretary Burgum to protect the livelihoods of ranchers who rely on public lands, safeguard the health of these ecosystems, and promote policies that benefit rural communities and the entire nation.”
Iowa Renewable Fuels Association (IRFA)
The IRFA represents Iowa’s liquid renewable fuels industry and works to foster its growth.
IRFA Executive Director Monte Shaw said, “As governor, Doug Burgum was a great champion behind biofuels and petroleum. He understands how uniting both is the best way to achieve American energy dominance. Many IRFA members got to know the new Energy Czar when he campaigned in Iowa. He was incredibly knowledgeable and optimistic. Like president Trump, he supports nationwide, year-round E15 and a growing role for biofuels. IRFA congratulates Doug Burgum on his confirmation and our members are eager to work alongside Secretary Burgum to boost all of America’s energy options.”
American Petroleum Institute (API)
API was founded in 1919 and represents 600 producers, processors, or distributors of natural gas and oil of America’s natural gas and oil industry — which supports nearly 11 million U.S. jobs.
“As Governor of a top production state, Secretary Doug Burgum has long been a champion for American energy leadership,” API President and CEO Mike Sommers said. “We look forward to working with him to implement a pro-American energy approach to federal leasing, starting with removing barriers to development on federal lands and waters and developing a new five-year offshore program.”
National Wildlife Federation (NWF)
The National Wildlife Federation is America’s “largest and most trusted conservation organization.”
Collin O’Mara, president and CEO of the NWF said, “At his confirmation hearing, Secretary Burgum made clear that he understands the importance of a balanced and collaborative approach in responsibly managing public lands for multiple uses, including wildlife conservation and outdoor recreation, and the Department’s obligations to uphold Tribal treaty rights and sovereignty.  
“Now more than ever, our nation is depending on Secretary Burgum’s leadership for science-driven wildlife recovery and management, habitat restoration that supports community resilience, appropriately-sited low-emission energy, and reductions in pollution through common-sense carbon and methane management so that our lands and waters flourish for generations to come.”
NWF looks forward to working with Burgum collaboratively on “stewarding America’s lands and waters so wildlife can thrive, rural communities prosper, and all Americans can enjoy opportunities for hunting, fishing, hiking, and other outdoor recreation.”
American Clean Power (ACP)
ACP describes itself as the “leading voice of today’s multi-tech clean energy industry, representing energy storage, wind, utility-scale solar, clean hydrogen, and transmission companies.”
After Burgum’s confirmation, ACP CEO Jason Grumet said, “We are eager to support the administration’s efforts to make American energy dominance a reality. This whole-of-government approach will be crucial to aligning agencies to advance an ‘all-of-the-above’ energy strategy which is essential to achieving these goals. We look forward to working with Secretary Burgum and the Interior Department to ensure a secure, reliable, and sustainable energy future for all Americans.”
Pheasants Forever and Quail Forever
Pheasants Forever (PF) and Quail Forever (QF) make up the nation’s “largest nonprofit organization dedicated to upland habitat conservation.” The nonprofit has more than 500,000 members, supporters and a network of 754 local chapters.
“We are excited to work with Secretary Burgum to increase hunting access and habitat conservation on America’s public lands,” said Ariel Wiegard, PF & QF’s vice president of government affairs. “Managing the public’s shared natural resources—for outdoor recreation, energy development, water usage, and more—requires a collaborative and balanced approach, which Burgum deftly carried out as Governor. PF & QF look forward to his leadership and his advocacy for America’s upland habitats and the sportsmen and women who enjoy them.”
Conservation Lands Foundation
The Conservation Lands Foundation represents a national network of community advocates who are solely focused on National Conservation Lands, managed by the Bureau of Land Management.
“The message we have for Secretary Burgum is that no one has to choose between energy production and protecting the public lands we all love and need. The U.S. is already the world’s largest producer of oil and gas and has been for the last six years, and companies are already optimizing their production,”  Chris Hill, CEO of the Conservation Lands Foundation, said.
“With the vast majority of public land under the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) already available for energy production, and roughly half of existing oil and gas leases not being used for production, it’s clear that protecting public lands for the public’s use, for local economies, and for the health of our shared environment is not an obstacle to the country’s energy position.
“Public lands that are currently protected for recreation, hunting, fishing, and more are overwhelmingly popular and are an important source of income for individuals, small and large businesses, and local communities. In fact outdoor recreation on BLM lands contributes more than $11 billion to the economy and substantial revenue to state and local governments for improvement projects and public services.
Hill continued by stating that, “it’s not over-regulation that’s blocking responsiveness–it’s the historic strangling of funding and resources that prevent it from carrying out its mission to manage public lands for multiple purposes. The BLM is the largest federal land management agency, yet it receives the least amount of resources. We urge Secretary Burgum to work with Congress to help secure the resources BLM needs to be more effective and to heed the clear mandate from the people to maintain existing protections that allow the public to access their public lands. We stand ready to help and hold him accountable to this objective that benefits everyone.”
Center for Western Priorities (CWP)
The Center for Western Priorities is a nonpartisan conservation and advocacy organization that “promotes responsible policies and practices, and ensures accountability at all levels to protect land, water, and communities in the American West.”
“As a former governor, Doug Burgum knows that thousands of jobs and millions of people depend on funding from the Interior department to keep our water clean, protect communities from wildfires, and help endangered wildlife. The minute Doug Burgum walks in the door at Interior, he needs to make it clear to Westerners that he will keep those funds moving, even if the White House tries to cut them off again,” Executive Director Jennifer Rokala said. “Secretary Burgum has to decide if he will be a force for chaos or consistency on America’s public lands.”


Feb 2, 2025 11:10
Number of visit : 44


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